Saturday at the Nature and Science Center
Last Saturday we spent the afternoon at the Austin Nature and Science Center in Zilker park. We got to see the Owls, who are unfortunately hard to take pictures of through chain link fence. Jo and Jack checking out the bobcat. And much time was spent in the dino […]
Marble Falls Part 2: Strawberries
Then we met up with Gramma and Bucka for strawberry pickin’. And strawberry eatin’. Strawberry ice cream and strawberry lemonade! We picked about 5lbs of strawberries. Got home with around 4lbs I would guess… Clearly Daddy was working the camera today. Wish we had more pictures of him… but Gramma will have some fantastic […]
Marble Falls, Part 1: Bluebonnets
This is the second year in a row that we drove out to Marble Falls for an afternoon of bluebonnet pictures and strawberry pickin’. Guess that makes it our tradition? 🙂 We stopped at the same exact spot as last year. Hard not to, really, when the bluebonnets look that great!    Â
My boys
Sorry about the mess…
He is getting pretty good with a spoon and fork!
Kiss, kiss, kiss…
Hooray for fish!
Celebrating spring
Copycat peanut butter egg recipe was a success. Also gluten free! Aunt Meimei and I used to hide and find this carrot when we were little. 🙂 Getting ready for easter! Friday at the rec center Dying eggs Painting wooden eggs Peek! Carrot soup for my little bunnies.
He shoots. He scores!
He shoots. He scores!: https://youtu.be/vQX1fHFR8NI
So many words!
While sitting around before dinner, we decided to make a list of all the words Jack is regularly using these days. My sweet boy is getting so big!
Be still, my beating heart
<3 The words are just flying out this week!